Tung's Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
General hospital
👍👍 [National Army Taichung General Hospital] was formerly [[Army 083 General Hospital] referred to as (803 Hospital) ~ Adapted to [National Army 083 General Hospital] in 1995 ~ and then reorganized as [国 军Military Taichung General Hospital] ~ Address-No. 348, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Taiping Distr...
4.10 (2K reviews)
General hospital
👍 ["\u4eca\u5929\u8ddf\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f86\u9019\u908a\u770b\u5fc3\u81df\u5167\u79d1\u9580\u8a3a\uff0c\u9580\u8a3a\u91ab\u5e2b\u662f\u5bb6\u674e\u5efa\u5fb7\u91ab\u5e2b\uff0c\u4f86\u5230\u9019\u88e1\u505c\u8eca\u5834\u4f4d\u65bc\u91ab\u9662\u7684\u5074\u908a\uff0c\u6a5f\u8eca\u548c\u6c7d\u8eca\u5730\u4e...
3.80 (1.4K reviews)
Feng-Yuan Hospital Ministry Of Health And Welfare
General hospital
👍 There is no need to be too punctual for the COVID19 vaccine, but you can queue up for a long time to report in advance.
Bring health insurance card, vaccination yellow card, mobile phone need to install the App Disease Manager (multiple confirmations are required for mixed playing, use lin...
3.70 (1.5K reviews)
Kuang Tien General Hospital
General hospital
😠 5年前到過這家醫院看診,付錢櫃檯的男護士態度超爛的,一付欠他錢的樣子,男護士態度爛到當時全部的人都往我這看,現在想起來還是不爽。記得當時有寫信投訴,但也沒回信給我,也不知道有沒有再教育。然後我是看骨科,脖子痛,連續看好幾次好幾周都要固定去,每次都是照MRI或CT然後說再觀察看看,然後就沒了,到最後受不了這...
3.60 (611 reviews)
General hospital
👍👍 感謝所有的醫生護理師、謝謝傅俊凱主任、謝謝外科范醫師、謝謝血液腫瘤科陳醫師,謝謝三病房漂亮阿長、謝謝您們一入門的玩具總動員巴斯光年讓媽媽卸下包袱、謝謝您們、檢查結果中了籤王、我們為人子女承受不了、但是還好有您們、謝謝國軍太平總院、謝謝
4.00 (42 reviews)
Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Veterans hospital
👍👍 First released in July 2020
It is a first-class medical center in the central region. When elders in the family are seriously ill or need surgery, they are almost always the first choice to be treated at Rongzong. The professional medical staff are reassuring. 👍👍👍
Because it is an old hospital, w...
3.40 (2K reviews)
Everan Hospital
General hospital
😠 非常差的看診經驗
3.30 (1K reviews)
Min Der Hospital
General hospital
😠 ["\u4ec0\u9ebc\u721b\u300c\u5730\u5340\u91ab\u9662\u300d\uff01\u611f\u5192\u60f3\u6253\u500b\u91dd\u7adf\u7136\u7d66\u6211\u9000\u639b\uff1f\u53eb\u6211\u53bb\u5927\u91ab\u9662\uff1f\u90a3\u4f60\u9019\u91ab\u9662\u958b\u5728\u9019\u53ea\u80fd\u770b\u982d\u9aee\u75db\uff1f\n\u8b77\u7406\u4eba\u54e1\u...
3.30 (108 reviews)
Taichung Tzu-Chi Hospital
General hospital
😠 The nurses on the 9th floor are very impatient, and they are very aggressive to the elderly and their families. They speak loudly to the patients in the ward! No way to ask!
Isn’t this a Buddhist hospital studying Buddhism? You should have a good heart and patience! How come I feel that the outside...
3.20 (1.2K reviews)
Lian An Hospital
General hospital
👍👍 Every time I go to the ophthalmology department, I must come to Dr. Huang Qianfang. She is gentle and patient. The point is that she will understand the needs of patients and discuss treatment methods. Parking is a bit more difficult, and riding a motorcycle is no problem. You can make an appointme...
3.20 (266 reviews)
Cheng Ching Hospital Zhonggang Branch
General hospital
😠 中港澄清大腸外科邱醫師醫術精湛,
1.家母預約7/6住院化療,致電住院服務處,獲得回答是請等電話通知,白白空等一天,哪裡也不能去,什麼事也不能做, 生怕錯過通...
3.10 (1.1K reviews)
澄清醫院中港院區 敬義樓
General hospital
🫤 給來澄清生產的媽媽~
3.10 (69 reviews)
Chung Shan Medical University Hospital Daqing Branch
University hospital
😠 ["Came here with repeating heart pain and weird heart behavior, requesting ECG. Had travel insurance, but no Taiwanese insurance. I also had cash to pay for the test, if necessary. They didn't let me see a doctor because I didn't have 5000nt in cash for *deposit money*.",null,[0,268]]
3.00 (1.1K reviews)
Dongshih Farmers' Hospital
General hospital
😐 I have seen with my own eyes that the attitude of the head nurse in the emergency department towards patients obviously depends on the person's money and status. If there is one of these two people, she will show the spirit of enthusiastic service that the nursing staff should have, which is obviou...
2.90 (164 reviews)
Cheng Ching Hospital Pingdeng Branch
General hospital
👍 2021. I will be vaccinated in October, and there are already a lot of people at ten in the morning.
The first stop is to get a health insurance card to report. There is a piece of paper that says "vaccinate", and there are usually several people queuing at the same time. After you find it, the nurs...
2.90 (569 reviews)
Asia University Hospital
General hospital
👍 亞大醫院單人房4300元,環境乾淨空間寬敞,景觀好讓病人能靜養,設備新穎,衛浴空間乾濕分離,每天會提供衛生紙,贈沐浴洗髮一組,唯護士技術可再加強,入院抽血要扎針3次,第一次是急診,且放針處在關節位置,致活動申展不便,第二次是入病房時,因急診抽血量不足,要再抽第二次;第三次說,剛抽的有一管不能用,所以再補...
2.80 (1.1K reviews)