Fashion designer
👍👍 Thank your Erika #1 and #2 for the great experience. The cotton candy americano was interesting. I will return again soon, I hope!
4.90 (385 reviews)
Jeans shop
Denim pioneer dating back to 1873 with a selection of jeans, casualwear, jackets & accessories.
4.70 (452 reviews)
Yaong Caffe 貓咪咖啡廳&24N4X 韓國服飾|基隆韓系貓咪咖啡廳|♥ 必須和10隻貓貓共處一室的咖啡廳
Coffee store
👍👍 There are 10 cute cats in the store, but the environment is well maintained, very clean and there is no smell.
Every cat looks healthy and nutritious(?)
There is a rule in the store that you are not allowed to pick up cats and take pictures or disturb sleeping cats. I think it is a plus because the...
4.70 (314 reviews)
Regard 心靈hair salon
Hair salon
👍👍 很有耐心的設計師 專業的髮型設計&針對不同髮質給予適合的整理方式 很受用喔 店內設計高雅 迎賓的茶水用有質感的杯皿來盛裝 有品茗的氛圍 沖洗區的牆上掛有個很特別的時鐘(我特別對這個時鐘多看幾眼) 加上塔羅牌的演繹及解牌 給自己多一條思路 可以試試
5.00 (107 reviews)
KDT.HK x 喵記茶檔(飛鏢道埸) 8/1-8/4休息
Dart bar
👍 很舒服的空間,不管我們還是狗女兒。地板很乾淨,桌椅很整潔,看得出來老闆也是把喵喵汪汪當自己小孩子一樣呵護,希望牠們的環境是OK的。這裡從裡到外真的是以寵物為主(有吃過帶寵物的坐外面,帶寵物的集中另一個房間……),牠們可以自由活動,有美容區跟販賣區。食物,光看MENU就知道非常港式,我們點的都非常道地。老闆人...
4.90 (124 reviews)
GU Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taoyuan Station Store
Clothing store
👍👍 In the afternoon of 12/4, I went to change the size of my thermal clothes. I met a female salesperson, Wang XX (I accidentally glanced at her name). At first, she tried to trick me into not being able to change my clothes!
The speech is very humorous and very cute~~❤️
4.40 (330 reviews)
UNIQLO 台中大魯閣新時代購物中心店
Fashion accessories store
Clothing retailer producing a collection of casualwear & accessories for men & women.
4.30 (455 reviews)
CHARLES & KEITH Breeze Center Store
Shoe store
👍👍 In the morning, I went to the store to look at wallets and cardholders. A female clerk was really nice. Since there were no styles and colors in the store, she silently helped me find other styles that were not on the shelf. I was a little disappointed and swept away ☺️ This brand is really good-lo...
4.40 (220 reviews)
SST&C 日曜Outlet店 (男女複合)
Outlet mall
👍👍 The service staff surnamed Wu is kind, professional, handsome, and very helpful to brand clothing 💪🏼 Good image! Worth spending again!
4.30 (356 reviews)
GU ATT 4 FUN Store
Clothing store
👍👍 今天真的有近年來在台灣最好的消費體驗!下午有幸遇上很有服務熱誠的兩位店員,讓整天的陰霾都一掃而空!在貨架上遍尋不著媽媽看中褲子的size,想著碰碰運氣麻煩一位男店員看看倉庫還有沒有!沒想到這位男店員主動彎著腰拿機器對著貨架竟然一排一排聽音辨位(我孤陋寡聞第一次看到),在最下面一排貨架後面狹縫中奇蹟似的拉出一件!!...
4.20 (940 reviews)
Jewelry store
Upscale retailer of Italian designer jewelry, watches, accessories & fragrances for men & women.
4.20 (909 reviews)
UNIQLO Breeze Center Store
Fashion accessories store
Clothing retailer producing a collection of casualwear & accessories for men & women.
4.30 (334 reviews)
Watch store
Boutique of Swiss luxury brand for watches, plus sunglasses, leather goods & accessories.
4.50 (147 reviews)