Medical clinic
😠 醫生超沒料,看診完全亂猜個人情況,滿口胡言,醫生執照根本撿到的吧(ex:前一天因不舒服完全沒吃東西診斷時說我吃太飽,確診卻被說感到(台語),反駁上述錯誤還被大小聲,真的沒欠貴診所老醫師(男),賣老的嘴臉看了真的很不爽,有點東西就算了,這種品質真的不要開門害人!史上最差看診體驗!!要不是當下不舒服不然真...
2.40 (110 reviews)
Dental clinic
😠 本來要拔一顆牙,結果沒我同意就拔兩顆!!!而且我本人原就有顳顎關節障礙,嘴張不大開,我就跟他說明了,他還說我是口腔癌,我去大醫院看,連醫生都搖頭,說你看的是什麼醫生,根本跟口腔癌一點關係都沒有!!!另外補的牙都一個月了還在痛!
2.40 (39 reviews)
Medical clinic
🫤 我今天早上才因為蕁麻疹過去哪一家 診所治療 從進去 掛號寫病歷到看診 出門到領藥 前後我大概只花了10分鐘, 問醫生為什麼會有這樣子的狀況 二診的醫生只回答我天氣的原因或是食物的原因, 我再問 有什麼東西需要忌口 他回答我 炸的跟 酒類盡量少碰 重點來了 你連看都沒有看我的身體的狀況 是我自己先給你看你只告訴我要不...
2.70 (129 reviews)
Military Taoyuan General Hospital
Military hospital
😠 No family members present, can not do any ultrasound, gastroscopy and other examinations? What is the significance of living in a dedicated ward? Dr. Xie Mingjun.
Look at your official reply: There is no set rule on this issue, and the situation varies from person to person. Elderly, disabled, etc...
2.80 (825 reviews)
Medical clinic
👍👍 2022.01.16
I came here for a physical examination for my new job. In fact, I came yesterday at about 11 o'clock, but there were so many people. Not only was there no room inside, but many people were waiting outside, so I had no choice but to give up.
I came here again today. The crowds were finall...
2.90 (325 reviews)
Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taoyuan Branch
Veterans hospital
😠 This is the first time in my life that I have come to a major hospital for examination, and it is also the first time in my life that I have given a negative review..
Well, because I am not sure which department I want to see, and I don’t know what it is when I feel uncomfortable, I choose to regis...
3.00 (545 reviews)