Mental health clinic
👍👍 天啊!!這真的是診所嗎?一整個心情大好,真的好美.好有格調,我很喜歡這裡的看診環境(認真的偷拍了一下),然後鄧醫師人很好又專業,讓我可以忘記壓力跟痛苦
4.80 (399 reviews)
(~6.1 km from centre)
HÉROS Future Clinic
Specialized clinic
👍👍 環境非常好 👍舒服
醫生跟護理人員也很nice 講話風趣
第一次來 住比較遠,但以後如果不舒服還是會特別過來 很好的就醫體驗
4.80 (122 reviews)
(~4.58 km from centre)
佳璋診所 身心科/焦慮/憂鬱/失眠/失智/抗壓減重
Mental health clinic
👍👍 我是經由台中趙玉良醫生👨⚕️推薦簡佳璋醫生🥼⋯⋯第一次問診,誠懇溫柔的傾聽👂我的內心世界,存在的黑暗面,一句,亦莎加油,妳遇到的事情那麼多,妳還是挺過來了,簡醫師拿出他的個人名片,告訴我,24小時我的手機都開著,有遇到扛不住的狀況或發生妳無法忍受或理解的事,別害怕😱直接打手機給我,亦莎妳要好好照顧自己的...
4.60 (195 reviews)
(~6.53 km from centre)
文山身心診所 身心科推薦/精神科推薦/失眠/恐慌/憂鬱
Mental health clinic
👍👍 I have been working in the psychosomatic department for more than 10 years. Today I encountered such a great environment for the first time. I felt extremely relaxed as soon as I stepped into the clinic. The ladies at the counter and the consultants were very kind. I always wanted to test my autonom...
4.80 (89 reviews)
(~8.31 km from centre)
和誼診所 身心科/失眠/焦慮/憂鬱/rTMS經顱磁刺激
Mental health clinic
👍👍 江醫生無壓力的問診傾聽,就像朋友一樣讓人放鬆,且用藥精準,會適時減低藥量不會養病人很好。老婆也來看減重得到明顯的效果,診所空間溫馨且乾淨具有質感,推薦給需要的大家。
4.80 (58 reviews)
(~3.15 km from centre)
Mental health clinic
😠 看診的時候是沒有等很久,而且院長跟護理小姐真的很不錯,醫師真的看診很厲害,不囉嗦也不會拖時間,很快就知道我的症狀,對症下藥很精準,仁心仁術的醫師,護理人員也很nice等拿藥時也還會陪我聊天。
4.10 (108 reviews)
(~4.22 km from centre)
Mental health clinic
👍👍 First of all, I want to say to those who saw this comment: Thank you for your hard work.
You must be searching for a mind-body clinic
You've been having a hard time lately~~
Thank you for your hard work, and thank you for being brave enough to ask for help.
I am Dr. Lin’s patient. I suffer from sev...
3.90 (158 reviews)
(~6.63 km from centre)
寬福診所 Peace Psychiatric Clinic
Mental health clinic
👍👍 I went to see a doctor on a Saturday. There were many people and the waiting area seemed a bit narrow. However, the lady at the counter was very kind, beautiful, and polite. She was not too hasty and had a nice voice. The overall decoration was warm and comfortable. It is worth recommending!
3.90 (43 reviews)
(~5.41 km from centre)
Mental health clinic
👍👍 來這看診拿藥 超過2年了 一開始也是覺得護士跟醫生態度不好 但後來我換位思考一下 站在她們的角度來看 每天都要面對滿滿的負能量病患 想樂觀快樂也有限 會麻痺 請體諒她們 我現在去拿完28天的藥就離開 不會麻煩到醫生我知道她們有苦難言 每個病患精神狀況嚴重度都不同 她們要一直吸收負能量真的要體諒她們
3.50 (101 reviews)
(~8.71 km from centre)