Golden Palace Resort and Spa image
Golden Palace Resort and Spa
😠 ["Acest loc este inchis momentan din cauza la reparatii. Faci rezervare pe booking si te trezesti ca hotelul e inchis si ca toate rezervarile sunt directionate spre gold lion hotel. Asa cum am vazut un review din partea altcuiva, nu recomand nimanui hotelul. Este groaznic la curatenie iar dusul es...
2.60 (5 reviews)
Hotel Gold Lion image
Hotel Gold Lion
😐 ["Had a great time there with a woman I met right outside of the hotel, unfortunately she cheated on me with several other guests that night, so I'm deducting one star for that and I'm also deducting another star due to our balcony's door handle missing, but room service very graciously handed us on...
2.80 (387 reviews)
Clădirea fostului Hotel "Național" image
Clădirea fostului Hotel "Național"
Tourist attraction
👍👍 for fans of abandoned places -- such an interesting experience
3.00 (49 reviews)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps

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