Hidden gems: Sushi restaurants in Osaka Prefecture

Discover the city's hidden treasures—remarkable spots that are relatively undiscovered but offer exceptional experiences. Our selection criteria? A rating of 4.5 or higher with fewer than 150 reviews. Explore these lesser-known yet outstanding places that promise a delightful visit in Osaka Prefecture.

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Kenny.row. image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Out standing chief style Sushi restaurant, very different from the traditional Japanese Sushi restaurant. Delicious
4.90 (159 reviews)
Okazaki(sushi restaurant) image
Okazaki(sushi restaurant)
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 My wife and I stumbled into this unbelievably special omakase experience! They were accommodating, kind, and most importantly the food was outstanding. We highly recommend this gem of a restaurant!
4.90 (41 reviews)
Sushi Akazu Mochizuki image
Sushi Akazu Mochizuki
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 We had an amazing experience at Sushi Akazu Mochizuki, the food was fabulous, the atmosphere and the service were stunning. It felt like we were at a Japanese home and were trying their best quality food. The sake was just delicious. We absolutely loved the experience…
4.80 (54 reviews)
Sushidokoro Wakamizu image
Sushidokoro Wakamizu
Sushi restaurant
$ $$$
4.80 (45 reviews)
南船場 寿し吉 image
南船場 寿し吉
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Hands down the best sushi I have had. It’s a small place so you get the chance to actually speak to the chef and he explains what he has made and how to eat it. It’s extremely apparent that he truly loves what he does and that he has a passion for it. He took his time and make each one perfect. I re...
4.70 (52 reviews)
すし八景 image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 ここの特選巻が大好きです!! ほんとに美味しくてハマりました♪ 節分の日には行列ができるので予約必須です。
4.70 (16 reviews)
Sushi SANSHIN image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 2年半前に一度伺いましたが、OMAKASEから自力で予約がやっと取れて伺いました。以前より価格が上がり22000円のコースでしたが、隣にできた刻家でわくわくして待ち、いざ店内に入るとイキイキした気くばり200点のお弟子さん達。緊張感あふれる舞台のようにオーラある大将のお料理がはじまります。前回が、どうだったか忘れ...
4.60 (162 reviews)
Sushi Hiro image
Sushi Hiro
Sushi restaurant
👍 I had a very hearty sushi Hiro Gozen! It was delicious. I was satisfied with the coffee at the end
4.60 (129 reviews)
Sushi Ōhata image
Sushi Ōhata
Sushi restaurant
😠 ["Don\u2019t go!!! You will not get entry nor be allowed to wait! It\u2019s a very small place, probably only caters to their regulars. It\u2019s a 15 mins walk from Osaka station and on a Sunday evening, there was no other eateries open in their neighborhood, so we had to walk all the way back to...
4.60 (119 reviews)
Sushi-roku image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 I visited here to have a nice dinner to celebrate my birthday. It was much better than I expected. It was a variety of sushi with amazing taste. Thanks to the kind and professional chef and staff, I enjoyed the good atmosphere. I want to visit again on my birthday next year. It's the happiest memory...
4.60 (50 reviews)
Tomi Sushi image
Tomi Sushi
Sushi restaurant
👍 この当たりには高級寿司店がひしめいてますが、気取った感じもなく、驚愕の値段でも無くて、ちょっと美味しいお寿司の気分にぴったりのお店です。 ただ、このお魚は苦手と伝えてても、忙しいのか、スルッと出てくるので、がっかりした事何度か…で、マイナス1です。
4.60 (45 reviews)
Sushi-dokoro Ebisu image
Sushi-dokoro Ebisu
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 用事終了。ただいま19時、近鉄八尾駅前。 腹減った、うまいもん食べたい。 願わくば寿司~とか考えてたら、発見! 『すし処 恵比寿』さんですって。 食ブロガーなんで入る前にwebで店名引いてみるわけですが、ほとんど情報なく。 ただこの店構え…うまいと予想。 カウンターのみのお寿司屋さん。数えたところ7席でした。...
$$ $$
4.60 (37 reviews)
日本料理雲心 image
Sushi restaurant
4.60 (22 reviews)
Wakamatsuya Sushi image
Wakamatsuya Sushi
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 寿司の味というかシャリとかネタとか握り具合とかバランスが最高!素直にめっちゃ旨い♪ あと穴子と鯖寿司は神!
4.60 (21 reviews)
Asahi Sushi image
Asahi Sushi
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 池田、亀岡、猪名川町、香住 の地酒をいただきながらお寿司、美味しかったです。手塚治虫、直筆の絵も見られます。気さくに話せるお若い店主さんです。
$$ $$
4.60 (20 reviews)
Sushi Daigo image
Sushi Daigo
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Crazy sushis. Thanks for the adventure.
4.60 (16 reviews)
KURA - Teppanyaki & Sushi image
KURA - Teppanyaki & Sushi
Teppanyaki restaurant
👍 コンラッド大阪『蔵』の鉄板焼きでお昼。食べログ2022百名店入りレストランです。 さすがのコンラッド水準ですが、地元・奈良のJWマリオットのほうが総じてコスパ高い、が一意見。 おいでませ新大宮。 ミシュランさんへひとこと 「ガイド内では風変りかもですが、調査の価値はありありです!」 いただいたもの: 【鉄板...
4.50 (194 reviews)
Aka to Shiro image
Aka to Shiro
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 **THE RESTAURANT IS LOCATED ON THE 3rd FLOOR OF THE TANAKA BUILDING. LOOK FOR THE LOGO IN THE PICTURE** Amazing Michelin guide omakase experience! From the decor of the restaurant to the presentation, to service and the food. Everything was outstanding. Place is hard to find though since it’s only w...
4.50 (86 reviews)
じょう崎 image
Japanese restaurant
👍👍 吹田で親戚が集まって食事出来る場所を探していて偶然見つけたお店です。 商店街のアーケードのある大通りから一通の細い道を2,30メートル程入った所にある隠れ家的なお店です。 店舗の外観も派手さが無く落ち着いた佇まいで好印象でした。店内は4人掛けのテーブル(感染症対策のアクリル板設置済みです)2つとカウンター...
$$ $$
4.50 (71 reviews)
Sakae-sushi image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 金額も良心的で味も最高です🎵
4.50 (67 reviews)
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