Top rated Discount supermarkets in Chubu Region

Experience the best that Chubu Region has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Maxvalu Bell City Susono image
Maxvalu Bell City Susono
Grocery store
In-store shopping
3.50 (467 reviews)
MaxValu Matsuzaki image
MaxValu Matsuzaki
Grocery store
3.50 (445 reviews)
MaxValu Gotemba Binsenzuka image
MaxValu Gotemba Binsenzuka
Grocery store
🫤 7月の値上げ以降、店内のあちこちの照明が消されて店の中がすごく暗くなった。 店員さんも同じで、セルフレジの所にいる店員さんは客を睨みつけて突っ立ってるだけ。 脱力系の多さでは御殿場のイオンでもトップですw イオンさんも経営が厳しいんだろうけど、社員の研修ぐらいはした方がいいな。
3.50 (415 reviews)
MaxValu Numazu Yanagicho image
MaxValu Numazu Yanagicho
Grocery store
👍 便利な町中にあり、駐車場も大きい。建物一階部分と屋外が駐車スペース✌️店内も広く、商品も色々揃う😌
3.50 (408 reviews)
MaxValu Gifu Motomachi Store image
MaxValu Gifu Motomachi Store
Grocery store
😠 Poor quality control. Whenever I buy chicken breast on Saturdays and Sundays, it's rotten. When I bought it, went home and took it out, it was often partially stiff. Eating that part makes you 100% hungry. Also, the chicken breast sometimes had bones. Quality control of meat is the lowest.
3.50 (392 reviews)
MaxValu Numazu Kanuki image
MaxValu Numazu Kanuki
Grocery store
3.50 (362 reviews)
The BİG Misato by ÆON image
The BİG Misato by ÆON
Discount supermarket
🫤 I use it often because it's close. Every day when there is a 5% discount, it's very crowded, the large parking lot is full of cars, and there's a long line of cashiers, so I always have to wait. In the morning, the store opens at the same time as the store opens, and it's hard to shop because there...
3.50 (355 reviews)
MaxValu Numazu Katakura Park image
MaxValu Numazu Katakura Park
Grocery store
👍👍 私の住まいから近くにあり利用させて頂いております。 Stuffの皆さん何処の店舗でも親切・丁寧な応対してくれますよ✨ カタクラパ―ク内には以下の店舗が有ります。 ①マックスバリュ沼津カタクラパ― ク大岡店 ②クリ―ニングのサトウ沼津大岡店 ③ウエルシア沼津カタクラパ―ク店 ④ダイソー沼津大岡店 ⑤コメダコ-ヒ-沼津大岡店...
3.50 (195 reviews)
MaxValu Express Shimizu Muramatsuhara image
MaxValu Express Shimizu Muramatsuhara
Grocery store
😠 駐車場が利用しにくい。空いている時は良いが、入って満車で、後方の車が出たので入れようとしたところ、後ろから来た車にクラクションを鳴らされた。当方は、その車より先に、駐車場に入っていたので、そこに停めようと下がっていたところクラクションを鳴らされた。そもそも、駐車しようと後退している車両が本来優先です...
3.50 (168 reviews)
The Big Ginan image
The Big Ginan
Discount supermarket
👍 2022/11/12オープンのザ・ビッグ。残念ながら衣類や日曜雑貨がほぼなく。ザ・ビッグっぽいマックスバリュみたいなお店でした。でも、オープン特売は安かった。7円の味噌汁助かります。 しかし、毎月第2日曜日のザ・ビッグデーは実施しないお店みたいなので注意が必要です。
3.50 (134 reviews)
Espot image
Grocery store
In-store shopping
3.40 (501 reviews)
Espot Nagaizumi image
Espot Nagaizumi
In-store shopping
3.40 (378 reviews)
MaxValu Express Nagaizumi image
MaxValu Express Nagaizumi
Grocery store
In-store shopping
3.40 (153 reviews)
MaxValu Imaike Store image
MaxValu Imaike Store
Grocery store
😠 Neither vegetables nor fish are delicious. It's not fresh, but it's expensive! Side dishes are also available at other supermarkets in the evening. There are a lot of stickers that are less than half the price, but there are only a few discounts here, so there are a lot of unsold items. Recently,...
3.30 (434 reviews)
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