Top rated Sushi restaurants in Kitatsugaru County

Experience the best that Kitatsugaru County has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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THE SAKAI Aoyama 寿司店 image
THE SAKAI Aoyama 寿司店
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Absolutely amazing experience. Some of the best food I’ve ever had. Master sushi chef Fukudome does not disappoint. The staff there is warm, funny, and charming.
5.00 (47 reviews)
Sushi Sakura 寿司さ久ら image
Sushi Sakura 寿司さ久ら
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 I’ve traveled all over the world and eaten at the finest restaurants. Sushi Sakura is by far the best food I’ve ever had and the best experience I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Chef Tetsu for your hospitality and passion for only delivering the finest most exquisite food. We are extremely grateful...
$ $$$
5.00 (37 reviews)
Komatsu Sushi image
Komatsu Sushi
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Komatsu Sushi ist sehr erstaunend :)
5.00 (35 reviews)
Hinakano image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 ランチ4000円のコースをいただきました。 五島出身でやま中などにて修行された若い職人の方による丁寧な仕事がなされたお寿司と小料理は絶品です。 江戸前、博多前をミックスしており、五島の魚を中心に、おいしさにこだわり島外の旬な魚をいただけます。 カウンター10席のみとなりますので事前予約必須だと思います。 カウ...
5.00 (31 reviews)
Ikaho Onsen Sakae Sushi image
Ikaho Onsen Sakae Sushi
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 For the first time, I visited a restaurant that has a good reputation in the local area rather than dinner at a hotel. I originally expected it because the word of mouth was good, but the atmosphere, customer service, and food exceeded my expectations. Gunma didn't have much of an image of seafood,...
$$ $$
4.90 (1.1K reviews)
Ace Sushi(え〜すし) image
Ace Sushi(え〜すし)
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 What a hidden gem! This place is tucked away in the back corner of one of the crevices of the Higashimuki Shopping Street. Super close to the subway station. It opened just under 2 weeks ago. The shop itself is counter seating and sits only 6 people. Thankfully when we came here on a Monday around...
4.90 (274 reviews)
Sushi Ryuta image
Sushi Ryuta
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 味、雰囲気が最高で何度もリピートしております!大きなトロタクが本当に美味しい。。 シャリも美味しく、ネタも大きく毎回大満足です☺︎ 大将が気さくな方で楽しくお食事をさせてもらっています。
4.90 (77 reviews)
Tamakichi sushi image
Tamakichi sushi
Sushi restaurant
4.90 (74 reviews)
Nagatacho Sushi Kanesaka image
Nagatacho Sushi Kanesaka
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Came through the hotel recommendation. Found out he used to work at Shinji in Singapore at Raffles hotel. Hence he speaks good English which makes the experience wonderful. But he is quiet, so must strike conversation first. The food is excellent and the momentum & experience builds up after each p...
4.90 (59 reviews)
Sushi Hamada image
Sushi Hamada
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 柏No.1のお寿司屋さん。何を食べても美味しいし、質も素晴らしい。大将の心遣いも素晴らしく言うことがない。
$$$ $
4.90 (42 reviews)
Sushi Sugawara image
Sushi Sugawara
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Fine dining Sushi. Better than any Michelin rated sushi restaurant. A client of mine said that Sugawara is way better than Sukiyabashi Jiro, Hands down. I'm in total agreement with him. The atmosphere is amazing. From the outside, you wouldn't know what it's like when you're inside you're in a total...
4.90 (39 reviews)
握りのはやし image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 隠れ家的なお寿司やさん‼️ 長崎では珍しくコース料理の予算も7500円と8500円✨迷わず8500円をチョイス‼️\(^^)/ まずお通しでナマコ お造りはサバの藁焼の刺身から始まり、イワシ、マナガツオ、平目 ハマグリの酒蒸し わたりかにのあんかけ茶碗蒸しも旨い ノドグロ塩焼き(超小さい切身🤣) 天婦羅対馬穴子、なす、いんげん...
4.90 (34 reviews)
Sushi Karin image
Sushi Karin
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 とても美味しいお寿司が頂けます!一つ一つ口に運ぶ度に感動します。 食事してる最中に、配達の方が大きい鯖を一匹届けていたのですが、大将が受け取るとすぐにその魚をさばき私達の目の前に出してくれてとても嬉しかったです。新鮮で最高に美味しいお寿司を頂きました(^^)
$ $$$
4.90 (33 reviews)
鮨・一貫 image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 一生に1度でいいから「将太の寿司」のように感動的なお寿司を食べたいと思っていました。握って頂いた鮨が口の中に入った瞬間、その魚が大海原を泳ぐ光景が見え、とても感動しました。大切にネタを扱いお客様の口まで運ぶ料理人の心意気を感じました。
4.90 (33 reviews)
Meat dish restaurant
👍 Googleレビューで素晴らしい評価の店です。 2週間期待して心待ちにしてました。 店内はおしゃれで、個室になってコロナ対策出来ています。 店員さんも丁寧な言葉遣いです。 駐車場は秋田町なのでありません。 1.シャトーブリアンは美味しい 2.赤身三点盛りも美味しい 3.タンは歯応えあります。 その他、ユッケ、レンコン...
4.80 (1.1K reviews)
Sushi Naritaya image
Sushi Naritaya
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 Came here close to closing time and there was no line. It's a small place, so we were lucky to get a spot. Ordered the Sakura sushi set and it was delicious! The fish was a generous cut and the rice was cooked perfectly. The staff is also very friendly. Definitely recommended!
4.80 (1K reviews)
Sushi Tou image
Sushi Tou
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 I had a very enjoyable experience at Sushi Tou. Everything was delicious, but the best for me during this visit was the horse mackerel (aji), also the marinated tuna surprised me the texture was unexpected. I can't wait to come back; please keep making such amazing sushi! 👍 I recommend Sushi Tou,...
4.80 (310 reviews)
銀座 鮨 佑 image
銀座 鮨 佑
Sushi restaurant
$$$ $
4.80 (297 reviews)
Daigen image
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 This is a family run sushi place. When we first arrived we were greeted by a very loud and enthusiastic chef, who started slapping the fish?!? Once you embrace his enthusiasm it becomes the most magical evening. Trust his recommendations! Hands down the best sushi we have had in Japan!
$$ $$
4.80 (263 reviews)
Onari Yokocho Kamakura image
Onari Yokocho Kamakura
Sushi restaurant
👍👍 鎌倉にヴィーガンラーメンのお店ができた!と聞き、行ってきました。せっかくだからと欲張って、スパイスラーメン、きのこベジつけ麺、とんこつ風ベジラーメンのヴィーガンラーメン3種をいただきました。 お味は…どれも大満足!中でもわたしのイチオシはとんこつ風ベジラーメン。スパイスラーメンときのこベジつけ麺は、期...
$ $$$
4.80 (252 reviews)
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