Top rated Ramen restaurants in Toyama

Experience the best that Toyama has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Tsubomi image
Ramen restaurant
Donburi, fried chicken, & traditional noodles served in a warm, intimate space with counter seating.
4.40 (551 reviews)
山香 image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 絶滅危惧種的な食堂。 店への入り難さはカナリ高い。 しかしそこを乗り越えると、お茶目なばあさまの作る超絶減塩の富山ブラックが食べれるのである。 なお、お急ぎの方や気の短い方は行かない方が良いです。 いつまでもひっそりとそこにあって欲しいお店です。
$ $$$
4.40 (40 reviews)
麺 吉平 image
麺 吉平
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 It is a ramen shop with unique flavors such as bonito. As a result of eating and comparing, I personally choose soy sauce ramen. Is the soup soy sauce? It has a sour taste, and the oil floating on the surface keeps the temperature of the soup (pretty hot soup) and gives it richness. The thick and c...
$$ $$
4.30 (246 reviews)
さかえや image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 営業時間がタイトでおまけに土日がお休みなので、なかなか行く機会がなかったのですが、ようやく伺う事ができました。 開店である11時半少し過ぎに伺ったのですが、駐車場はほぼ満車でやっちまった感に襲われましたが、店内は意外と広くて約20名程が食事を楽しむ事ができるくらいの広さで、奥の小上がりに無事着席‼️ メニ...
$$ $$
4.30 (110 reviews)
樹亭 image
Ramen restaurant
👍 ⭕️ First visit day...2022/3/24 (Thursday) noon. 🍜 [Char Siu Men] 1000 yen including tax ➕ [Ajitama] 100 yen including tax ➕ [Rice small] 100 yen including tax. ⭕️Inside the store that fully expresses YAZAWA fans. ⭕️It is Toyama black ramen that is easy to eat with soy sauce spiciness but not...
$$ $$
4.20 (237 reviews)
樹亭南店 image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 It's been my favorite shop for a long time, but it's only open at night, so I couldn't go there, but because of this corona, it's open from daytime. The food and beverage industry in Toyama City can only operate until 8:00 pm, and it is very difficult. However, it is helpful for those who can only...
$$ $$
4.20 (191 reviews)
博多ラーメン10-1CHI0-(いちお) image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 Already a repeater. Located in the corner of "Taiyo Neo", Shinjo Pachinko Store in Toyama City. The original was Ebisuko Toyama Black Ramen. Although it is a pachinko parlor, there is no problem with the parking lot, but there are times when you have to stop far away because it is full depending on...
$$ $$
4.20 (149 reviews)
Isshin - Toyama Station (Original Store) image
Isshin - Toyama Station (Original Store)
Ramen restaurant
Handmade noodles in broths like spicy miso, plus sides such as kimchi, roast pork & fried chicken.
$$ $$
4.10 (1.1K reviews)
Tatsuya image
Ramen restaurant
👍 ラーメン(バリカタ)700円+煮玉子トッピング 100円 富山市高内の国道41号線沿いにある豚骨ラーメン店。 博多長浜ラーメン店で修業された大将が腕を振るっておられます。 ラーメンは豚骨ラーメン1種類。 平日お昼に訪問、コロナ蔓延の影響もあり先客は1名のみ。 ラーメン普通で麺はバリカタ、煮玉子をトッピ...
$$ $$
4.10 (295 reviews)
中華料理 ちゅー image
中華料理 ちゅー
Chinese restaurant
👍👍 メニュー麺・料理・飯・スープの4部門でイロイロ。今回は『餃子』を2人前と『肉だんご』『野菜スープ』を注文。 餃子は皮面がパリッと焼き上がった食欲そそるビジュアル。1人前6個なので今回のは12個で餃子のタレはお店がブレンドしたものをお皿に注いで提供されます。皮は薄皮タイプで中には餡がタップリ詰まってる。キャ...
$ $$$
4.10 (99 reviews)
Menya Tsukushi image
Menya Tsukushi
Ramen restaurant
Miso ramen soup with spicy options & sides, rustled up in a straightforward, compact space.
$$ $$
4.00 (953 reviews)
ラーメン富公 image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 When you want to eat ordinary ramen in Toyama city, this restaurant's Chinese noodles are always an option. The prices are very reasonable and the food is very delicious. The noodles are thick and chewy, so if you want to eat a solid ramen, this is the place to go without hesitation.
$ $$$
4.00 (479 reviews)
Ebisuko image
Ramen restaurant
😐 I got my special black. The noodles are thick and straight, and the soup is a low-salt version of the fake Daiki chain. The bowl is small and there is little soup, so if you add tenkasu, the water will be absorbed. Next time I would like to make seafood pork bones.
$$ $$
4.00 (475 reviews)
是・空 富山今泉店 image
是・空 富山今泉店
Ramen restaurant
Roomy restaurant with counter & table seating dishing up tsukemen with homemade noodles.
$$ $$
4.00 (459 reviews)
ガッツリ!えびすこ image
Ramen restaurant
No-nonsense eatery dishing up ramen noodle soup, plus rice bowls with meaty toppings.
$$ $$
4.00 (429 reviews)
南京千両 image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 Sometimes it's individual wontanmen that you want so much. It has a very deep and smooth taste. Excellent. And I want to eat this burning crimson red pickled ginger. Pepper is also good, but personally, it gives a spiciness. Hmmm, good. The mysterious meat-like lump inside is also delicious. seafoo...
$$ $$
4.00 (316 reviews)
Dog House image
Dog House
Ramen restaurant
👍 土曜14時前の訪問。ここはいつも行列ができているイメージで、今回初めて並ばなくても良さそうだったので思い切って入店。この時間でもほぼ満席。本当は煮干しを食べてみたかったところ、人員不足もありメニューを絞っているとのこと。券売機で鶏白湯塩ラーメンを選択し、細麺でオーダー。入店される方もまだあるが、食べ終...
$$ $$
4.00 (309 reviews)
ダルマヤラーメン 新庄店 image
ダルマヤラーメン 新庄店
Ramen restaurant
👍 富山ブラックラーメンを食べられる歴史ある店。久しぶりの訪問。ダルマヤでは決まってヤングを頼む。濃い醤油ベースのスープはうまい。丼いっぱいほどの長いチャーシューも名物。少し食べ進めてコショウをかけ、さらに食べ進めて脂カスとニンニクを足す。スープを吸った脂カスは麺との相性が抜群。少し薄めの元祖も美味しい...
4.00 (303 reviews)
大八ラーメン image
Ramen restaurant
👍👍 2023年、新年最初の仕事メシは紆余曲折の末この店に。タンメンと半炒飯を注文。 タンメン美味い!野菜にほんのりとバターの様なコクがあり期待を遥かに超える美味さだった。 星1個追加。 ーーー以下初回ーーー まるたかやとか高岡の大ちゃんラーメンが好きな方は美味しいと感じるラーメンだと思う。 チャーハンが期待以上...
$$ $$
4.00 (246 reviews)
めん家 image
Ramen restaurant
😐 Visit again and again It's "Menya" (^^) This time I ordered "Tanmen" (^^) Of course, I also ordered beer and knobs, but since the photos are the same, I omitted this time (^ ^) ... and "Tanmen", but it was delicious (^^) "Salt" base is my favorite at this shop (^^) I will visit you again (^^) Visi...
$$ $$
4.00 (230 reviews)
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