Kokorominamigyotoku Dental Clinic
👍👍 親知らずの抜歯なら絶対こちらで処置していただきましょう。ソコラ近辺に在住の方は運がいいと言えます。親知らずを抜くという、まあ、それはそれで結構怖いな、と思う施術を安全かつスピーディー、もちろん痛みなく行っていただけます。こちらは口腔外科専門医がいらっしゃる医院なので、難度の高い生え方をしていても大丈...
4.70 (66 reviews)
Dental clinic
😠 数年通ってますが、最近はやたらオプションの営業をかけてくるようになって不快。クリーニングが終わった途端、これでは取り切れない汚れがあってですね、で始まって頼んでもない説明をくどくど。せっかくクリーニング終わってスッキリした気分が台無し。オプションとらせる前提で手を抜かれてるんじゃという疑念も。スタッ...
4.40 (103 reviews)
Minato Dental Clinic
👍👍 評判が大変良いこちらの歯科でお世話になりました。診察を受けてみると先生の治療は評判通りでした。事前の説明も丁寧で治療もスムーズで本当に安心できました。総合的に治療をしてくれるので、治療が終わってから再度治療になることがなくとても調子よく過ごせております。
4.40 (52 reviews)
ペア歯科医院市川診療所 医療法人社団富士梨
Dental clinic
👍👍 I went for whitening the other day through a recommendation from a friend.
They were very thorough in cleaning my teeth and brushing my teeth.
I've never had a dentist who takes so much time with me, so I was very happy!
I had a dental checkup and found that I had a cavity in my wisdom tooth, so I...
4.40 (43 reviews)
Mogikyosei Dental Clinic
👍 I learned about this place through an introduction from a friend.
People around me told me that the alignment of my teeth didn't bother me at all, but I had always been concerned about the gap between my front teeth, and when I had them examined, I was told that the occlusion of my back teeth wasn't...
4.40 (31 reviews)
Dental clinic
👍👍 At most dentists, I have had the experience of being nagged about how to brush my teeth, and told to refrain from smoking and stain-based drinks.
That was a big reason why I didn't want to go to the dentist, but here we didn't have any of those things and only talked about treatment.
4.30 (132 reviews)
Gyotoku TM Dental Clinic
😐 Since I made the reservation a long time ago, I thought I would be seeing my usual doctor (who is very thorough and I trust him), but this was my first time seeing him.
It was pointed out that one of the possible causes of the pain was the influence of my bite, and I was told that they would remove...
4.20 (35 reviews)
Total Shi Funabashi Dental Clinic Dental Clinic
😠 It's treatment, but it still hurts.
When treating my back teeth, the edges of my mouth are pulled, but even this is so painful that it's painful. When I looked in the mirror after the surgery, I saw swelling.
It also hurts when a machine is placed in my mouth to collect saliva as it is pressed again...
3.90 (33 reviews)
Myoden family Dental Clinic
😠 I guess all family dental clinics put profit first? Instead of listening to the patient's requests, especially for patients who received insurance treatment, they simply repeated the instructions given in the manual and did not provide any first aid treatment! He was a zero star dentist!
3.60 (57 reviews)
Gyotoku Smile Dental Clinic
😠 ["\u62c5\u5f53\u533b\u304c\u4eca\u307e\u30677\u4eba\u7a0b\u5909\u308f\u308a\u307e\u3057\u305f\u3002\u73fe\u5728\u6cbb\u7642\u3057\u3066\u3082\u3089\u3063\u3066\u3044\u305f\u5148\u751f\u306f\u79c1\u306b\u306f\u5408\u308f\u305a\u3001\u4eca\u307e\u3067\u306e\u5148\u751f\u3088\u308a\u6cbb\u7642\u3082\u4...
3.50 (66 reviews)