Ichijodani Mountain Castle Ruins
Historical landmark
👍 越前朝倉氏によって一乗山山頂に築かれた詰め城です。
小見放城の脇を通る"馬出ルート" から登城し、麓から山頂の三の丸 (本丸) まで約2時間かけて、じっくり見て回りました。(急な勾配を登らなければならないので、軽装は不向きと思います)
4.50 (51 reviews)
Ichijōdani Asakura Ruins
Historical landmark
Ruins of a historic 15th-century castle town, including residences & gardens, in a natural setting.
4.20 (3.2K reviews)
Shimo-kido Fort Ruins
Historical landmark
👍 JR一乗谷駅から一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡に向う道を歩いて10分ほどの所にあります。遺跡への入口を示す大きな石柱と案内板が設置されています。この下城戸跡は山あいの平地を守るべく、ボトルネックとなった場所に上下二ヶ所で堀と土塁を設け、敵の侵入を防いだ所。上城戸跡より保存状態が良いようです。多きな石積みも往時の様子が...
4.10 (119 reviews)
Statue of Emperor Keitai
Historical landmark
👍👍 越前の国を治めていた継体天皇の像。先代雄略天皇の時代に、血で血を洗う争いが皇族間で起こり、天皇を引き継ぐ者が現れなかった。辞退者もいた。そこで、応神天皇の子孫が越前の国に居ることが分かり、なんとかなっていただいたとか。そのくらい、天皇になることは大変なんだろう。都に移る際に、自分の愛した地を守るため...
4.10 (40 reviews)
Shibata Shrine
Shinto shrine
👍 It is located in the downtown area of Fukui city. It is said that this shrine was built on the site of Kitanosho Castle, which belonged to Katsuie Shibata. Although it was only a little, I wanted to leave the stone wall at that time. I thought it was a power spot in the city. Thank you very much....
4.00 (354 reviews)
Kitanosho Castle Ruins
Historical landmark
👍 In Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, there is a contour type flat castle built by Katsuie Shibata in 1575, also known as Kitanosho Castle 🏯 Kitajo Castle 🏯 Shojo 🏯!
The castle tower was a magnificent castle tower with 7 layers of tower type in 1576 during the Katsuie era and a gazebo type quadruple...
3.90 (165 reviews)
Fukui Castle Ruins
Historical landmark
Remains of a 1600s castle with walls & a moat, a statue of its creator & seasonal cherry blossoms.
3.60 (886 reviews)