Сребърна бижутерия Crystal Pro
Jewelry store
👍👍 Nice small store. Have been a client for years. Mainly silver and other low-cost jewelry. My wife enjoys the rearings which I bring from there. Very nice cystomer service, polite and friendly.
4.90 (52 reviews)
(~7.61 km from centre)
Подаръци КАТРИН
Jewelry store
👍👍 Любимото ми магазинче. Вземала съм си много пъти различни неща, персоналът е много любезен.Цените са приемливи не е като в моловете, а са същите неща.
4.90 (41 reviews)
(~9.06 km from centre)
ЕМ АРТ Варна
Bead store
👍 Днес го посетих много е готин магазина, но с един недостатък чаках на касата около 5 мин, за да си платя покупката(за мен това не е проблем). През това време можеше да си замина 100 пъти без да платя. Искам да каже че касата беше без надзор, а не бива и никой не следеше кой какво купува.
4.80 (101 reviews)
(~8.87 km from centre)
Kirkorian Diamonds
Jewelry store
👍👍 Great inventory, super seller, really nice to do business with.
4.80 (67 reviews)
(~8.69 km from centre)
Студио за красота Канела Solar & Beauty studio Kanela
Tanning salon
😠 ⚡⚡⚡ ATTENTION ⚡⚡⚡
I came across this salon by chance. I was looking for a new place for men's haircuts. When I called on the phone, I was not impressed by the attitude of the other party.
However, I never knew in the least what would follow when I went to the salon.
As I write now and salon...
4.70 (93 reviews)
(~8.32 km from centre)
Jewelry store
😠 Terrible service. I wanted to buy something for a present. It was exactly 10 o'clock and I was in a hurry. A sleep-deprived and grumpy saleswoman tells me to come in 10 minutes. Well, that turned me off. I just went to another store even though I liked something.
4.70 (52 reviews)
(~8.22 km from centre)
Zen Daimond Bulgaria
Jewelry store
👍👍 Great service, great jewelry! I can't wait for another purchase!
4.70 (31 reviews)
(~9 km from centre)
Златарско ателие Deserved Jewelry Gold
Jewelry store
👍👍 Прекрасни бижута, много лично отношение! Ани и Любо правят повече от украшения, влагат много от себе си и резултатът е чиста красота.
4.70 (18 reviews)
(~8.89 km from centre)