Most reviewed Memorial parks in Penghu

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Machangting Memorial Park image
Machangting Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 Nice park for cycling
4.40 (569 reviews)
823 Artillery Battle Memorial Park image
823 Artillery Battle Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 This park is right under the Grand Hotel and beside the American Club, location location and location 😼 On a hot summer day, you may go upstairs to Bigtom ice cream shop in Grand Hotel 🏨 There’s only one flight ✈️ here in the park, tiny but clean. With wheelchairs rumps. A public toilet nearby...
4.10 (542 reviews)
Jiaobanian Memorial Park image
Jiaobanian Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 ["\u564d\u5427\u54d6\u4e8b\u4ef6\uff0c\u662f\u767c\u751f\u65bc\u81fa\u7063\u65e5\u6cbb\u6642\u671f\u5927\u6b63\u56db\u5e74\uff081915\u5e74\uff09\u7684\u6b66\u529b\u6297\u65e5\u4e8b\u4ef6\uff0c\u9818\u5c0e\u4eba\u70ba\u4f59\u6e05\u82b3\u3001\u7f85\u4fca\u3001\u6c5f\u5b9a\u7b49\u4eba\uff0c\u662f\u81fa...
3.80 (492 reviews)
Military Memorial Park image
Military Memorial Park
Military cemetery
👍👍 多麼貼切的最後一句門聯:「隔海遙望舊故鄉」。大門面對著台灣海峽,外面有座望海亭,天氣好時 可看到對岸,直擊老兵們內心深處那最柔軟、最遺憾、最無可奈何的地方,也是最痛的角落!我父親臨終前依然思念著故鄉、及未能見最後一面的爺爺奶奶的遺憾⋯
4.40 (478 reviews)
Lianyatang Memorial Park image
Lianyatang Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 公園樹蔭茂盛,空氣相當好而且又有小朋友喜歡的遊樂設施,還有許多松鼠穿梭其間喔。
3.80 (474 reviews)
228 Memorial Park image
228 Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 ["\u65b0\u6539\u4fee\u7684\u53a0\u6240\u5f88\u6c23\u6d3e\u5594\uff01\u6709\u50cf\u98ef\u5e97\u7684\u6c1b\u570d\uff0c\u8212\u9069\uff0c\u611f\u51c8\uff0c\u6642\u5c1a\u611f\uff01",null,[0,29]]
3.90 (470 reviews)
Bailengzun Memorial Park image
Bailengzun Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 日本政府在昭和2年(1927)開始有灌溉設施之想法,並獲得當時議會通過花費日幣145萬餘圓之預算,於昭和3年(1928)12月開工,昭和7年(1932年)5月完工,並於9月完成通水試驗,10月14日舉行通水儀式。在儀式中由台灣總督府殖產局長殖田殖局先生,將大南庄蔗苗養成所工事導水路命名為「白冷圳」。 導水路長 16.5 公里, 全線圳路...
4.00 (419 reviews)
Guo Ziyi Memorial Hall image
Guo Ziyi Memorial Hall
Memorial park
👍👍 If you go there for a long time, the internal display will change slightly. The external architecture has details and characteristics, and the environment is very clean.
4.30 (415 reviews)
戰爭與和平紀念公園主題館 image
War memorial
👍 館內呈現了二戰、國共內戰及韓戰等豐富的歷史過程,目的就是要紀念當時被徵召至東南亞地區及中國大陸等地參與各項戰爭的台灣兵,還有日本高座少年工、看護婦、慰安婦、戰俘船等議題與故事,這些都極具重要的歷史定位。其他還有重要的文學作品都再再提醒我們要珍惜和平的世界,切莫讓戰爭事件再次上演,會對人民造成一大傷害...
4.10 (408 reviews)
Thng Tik-Tsiong Memorial Park image
Thng Tik-Tsiong Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 3月13號,是台南的「正義與勇氣紀念日」,也是台南守護神- 湯德章律師逝世紀念日。 繞著湯德章紀念公園一圈,邊走邊想像著在當時的氛圍,對於 湯德章律師有滿滿的哀愁與敬佩,哀的是這麼好的一位律師就這樣被套上莫無需有的罪名;敬佩的是被處以不當刑求中還能神色自若。 如果把正對紀念碑的中正路改成德章大道或是德...
4.10 (388 reviews)
Luku Incident Memorial Park image
Luku Incident Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 Historical site. White Terror memorial. The site is quite a long way away from Taipei city, so a motorcycle or a bicycle would be useful. I am personally very interested in the history of Taiwan and the various historical sites relating to the White Terror period.
4.10 (377 reviews)
Huazong Memorial Park image
Huazong Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 2020年初來此地,其實公園硬體不錯,只是值此武漢肺炎之際,老人家群聚都沒戴口罩,令人相當憂心。還有外地來比賽的隊伍,集合時也沒戴,這裡有小孩在遊玩,覺得潛藏危機。 2022年再來此,看到劉博文這個人名,嚇一跳!當時看他當選縣長,又被下獄,死於非命,勾起歷史,歷歷在目。
4.10 (305 reviews)
Mayagechangqing Park image
Mayagechangqing Park
👍👍 很空曠的公園,目前樹種的不多,只能晚上來比較不熱,但視野遼闊還是給五顆星
4.00 (288 reviews)
Sino-French War Memorial Park image
Sino-French War Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 ["Cimetiere Francais De Kilung\nTucked away next to a highway, the French Memorial Cemetery is marked by the blue, white, and red stripes along its walls. Built in memorial of the marines and soldiers who died in the French-Sino War in 1884-85, the cemetery is a reminder of the rich history Keelung...
4.00 (229 reviews)
Koxinga Memorial Park image
Koxinga Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 2022/0705/0100PM 路過進來看看,石磚間雜草叢生,銅像和紀念碑孤單的豎立在公園中央,滿滿的歷史悽滄感。 涼亭座位坑坑疤疤的漆卡了很多髒污,柵欄鐵絲也是該斷的斷,沒有運動設施,又設立在社區外面一公里多,沒有人來正常。 池子裡有鯉魚,一旁也有廁所,該有的都有,可惜就是缺少保養。 跟博物館一樣,短期內不會去...
3.50 (199 reviews)
Yen Shui-long Memorial Park image
Yen Shui-long Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 藝術結合生活的實踐者,台灣工藝教育先驅,故鄉下營。 春天這個季節,台174號道路邊有幾公里的,洋紅風鈴木,小欖仁樹,木棉花隧道。 東邊有九品蓮園和落羽松,西邊有蜀葵花,藜麥田。 值得推薦的輕鬆半天車遊行程。
4.10 (187 reviews)
228 Peace Memorial Park image
228 Peace Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 —,視野廣大,站立其上,可俯看高雄市市區景緻。二,具有紀念性質的紀念碑。三,後方可通往柴山入口處。
3.90 (182 reviews)
Wufankengdao Memorial Park image
Wufankengdao Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍 《九份五番坑》九份五番坑鑿於民國十六年(1927),原本為日本人所經營管理,台灣光復後交由九大公司承包,於民國六十年全面停止開採,並因安全問題封閉坑道~ 「番」是日文的「號」的意思,也就是這裡曾是「五號坑」,既然有五號坑,九份還有一番、二番、三番、、、,九份的礦坑是從山上面一路開坑到海平面,~ 九份共有...
4.00 (179 reviews)
Jingtong Coal Memorial Park image
Jingtong Coal Memorial Park
Memorial park
👍👍 🌄從菁桐車站下車後,左轉後走到可以跨越鐵道,到觀景台方向的路線沿線路過碳場咖啡-百大歷史建築(選洗煤場),第一個路口右轉往上走,走到底就能抵達目的地,大約400公尺距離。 🌄菁桐煤礦紀念公園曾經是產量豐富規模最大的礦區,同時也是開採最久的的煤礦區,這裡保留了日治時期煤礦場以及設備,也曾經是台灣百大歷史景點...
4.30 (165 reviews)
Taiwan POW Memorial and Peace Park (Kinkaseki POW Camp) image
Taiwan POW Memorial and Peace Park (Kinkaseki POW Camp)
Memorial park
👍 As is often the case with Allied memorials, this one is very well kept, particularly considering the remote location. Besides the statue of the two emaciated prisoners, there is also a wall with a very long list of all the Allied prisoners who died there. To get to the memorial, requires a steep d...
4.30 (154 reviews)
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