Most reviewed Massage therapists in Hsinchu

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群豐養生會館-新竹旗艦店 image
Massage therapist
👍👍 ["No.95 is perfect, gentle and patient. The best choice in Hsin-chu. Also, the place is great. Making consumer felt relax",null,[0,119]]
4.90 (3.1K reviews)
新竹按摩/越式洗頭/采耳/做臉/除毛【新竹日式雲芳療Yun Spa Massage】 - 新竹巨城店 image
新竹按摩/越式洗頭/采耳/做臉/除毛【新竹日式雲芳療Yun Spa Massage】 - 新竹巨城店
Massage therapist
👍👍 the place is very beautiful, very relaxing, their service is good especially the therapist who massaged me earlier was kind and very accomodating, I will come back again next time because I really liked it😊
5.00 (1.3K reviews)
Traditional massage image
Traditional massage
Foot massage parlor
👍👍 Came by here in the afternoon and was given a massage by Masseuse No.15. He was a swell guy who provided an excellent massage and good conversation in English. I appreciate the effort and attention to your work! I left with a body feeling super relaxed and my neck, which I had badly hurt a couple d...
4.60 (1.1K reviews)
放轻松指压坊 image
Massage school
👍👍 第一次在新竹按摩,google一下就和老婆一起過來,下午大概15點來,沒預約,還好現場有1位師傅有空,老闆也馬上安排支援師傅到場,師傅手法真的很好,態度也都很好,下次一定會再來放鬆筋骨👍🏽初次消費還獲得優惠券2張😁
4.50 (467 reviews)
Massage me image
Massage me
Massage therapist
👍👍 在地圖上搜尋離入住飯店較近的按摩,看了附近幾家的評價,這家網友評價不錯環境也乾淨停車也方便,今天服務的一男一女師傅全身指壓,基本上都不錯,男師(忘了問幾號),手勁夠技巧也不錯,每個部位都蠻到位,女師傅不知時間分配的不好的感覺,雖都有按到,但每一部位停留時間太短,有按沒到的感覺,不過整體來說都還不說,週...
4.20 (403 reviews)
安來養生館 image
Massage spa
😠 第一次在新竹遇到如此差的服務!本身因為工作原因凌晨4點才有空去消費..沒想到技師居然跟我說我幹嘛這個時間點來!吵到她睡覺..這就算了我忍下心裡想說服務業辛苦體諒她一下 後來變本加厲態度口氣超差!過程我一度因為勞累有睡著被技師叫醒後決定不忍了衣服穿一穿要走人!(消費時間未到)技師居然說早知道就早點叫醒你…這...
4.00 (357 reviews)
未來健康養生館 image
Massage spa
😠 I have always been a customer with a high pain tolerance threshold according to the chefs, and I have been working at this restaurant for a long time. Most of the chefs are great. Today, Master No. 97 pressed his buttocks very hard. It hurt more than once. He wanted to stop pressing his buttocks, bu...
4.00 (344 reviews)
FUN輕鬆指壓工作坊 金山店【新竹市網友推薦按摩養生館】-新竹全身推拿|經絡按摩|刮痧拔罐|足體養生館|平價按摩|推薦腳底按摩|按摩推薦|腳底按摩 image
FUN輕鬆指壓工作坊 金山店【新竹市網友推薦按摩養生館】-新竹全身推拿|經絡按摩|刮痧拔罐|足體養生館|平價按摩|推薦腳底按摩|按摩推薦|腳底按摩
Massage school
👍👍 前幾天因為運動腳受傷 去給西醫治療後 想要做復健 這間真的很神奇 原本受傷的腳筋很緊 經過師父推拿後 腳筋變鬆了 下次還會想再來☺️ 2/29再訪 珍珍師傅很厲害 推拿之後腰居然沒那麼痛 下次還會想來😄
4.70 (330 reviews)
The massage house image
The massage house
Massage therapist
👍👍 推薦小花師傅, 先透過精油讓肌肉表層放鬆, 然後再將肌肉深層的地方推開, 力氣很大
5.00 (303 reviews)
T.C.M孕哺保養團隊(新竹)-新竹東區專業到府服務泌乳師 無痛乳腺疏通 塞奶/退奶/石頭奶處理 課程 產後體態管理恢復 費用預約推薦 孕婦舒壓放鬆按摩 順產按摩 美胸按摩保養 PTT Dcard image
T.C.M孕哺保養團隊(新竹)-新竹東區專業到府服務泌乳師 無痛乳腺疏通 塞奶/退奶/石頭奶處理 課程 產後體態管理恢復 費用預約推薦 孕婦舒壓放鬆按摩 順產按摩 美胸按摩保養 PTT Dcard
Pregnancy care center
😠 I made an appointment a year ago, There was no such landmark at that time, So I went back to the only thing they had at the time, But I think it’s really not OK, It’s been a while since giving birth, Still feel very uncomfortable, I need to let other mothers who are also in Hsinchu know, It seems t...
5.00 (200 reviews)
Ciao喬筋膜/哲瑋_筋膜放鬆(需預約) image
Sports massage therapist
👍👍 很清楚並且親切的教導日常生活中要注意的姿勢,讓我更多的認識自己日常有多姿勢不良😂也確實有按到酸痛點,再搭配日常姿勢的矯正,期待之後身體的改善與進步。
5.00 (176 reviews)
樂樂健康養生館 image
Massage spa
👍👍 平價消費、超值服務! 100%純手技按摩,精準的穴道解壓,放鬆長期疲勞的身體, 重點還有好喝的印尼奶茶~和驚喜的洗頭服務! 新竹少見cp值極高的按摩館,男女老少皆宜~~推薦!!
4.50 (173 reviews)
真功夫-足體養生會館 image
Foot massage parlor
👍👍 Today is the second time I visit this store. For me who don't often touch and touch, every time I go to the store to make a purchase, it is a new experience. No reservations, no choice of master, almost no need to wait. Today, a young master massaged my body. His hands were very strong, but my whole...
4.70 (109 reviews)
蕎禔美容spa - 新竹東區專業美容推薦 頂級舒壓芳療會館 孕婦精油spa按摩 熱蠟除毛 采耳 瘦身體雕 液態皮秒首選 細晶療程 藻針煥膚優惠 乳腺按摩 全身美白塑雕 人氣淋巴排毒 細晶療程價格 毛孔緊緻 細紋淡化 皮膚暗沈 美體高cp值做臉清粉刺 image
蕎禔美容spa - 新竹東區專業美容推薦 頂級舒壓芳療會館 孕婦精油spa按摩 熱蠟除毛 采耳 瘦身體雕 液態皮秒首選 細晶療程 藻針煥膚優惠 乳腺按摩 全身美白塑雕 人氣淋巴排毒 細晶療程價格 毛孔緊緻 細紋淡化 皮膚暗沈 美體高cp值做臉清粉刺
Beauty salon
👍👍 ["\u4eca\u5929\u4f86\u505a\u8eab\u9ad4\u8ddf\u81c9\uff0c\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5e2b\u9756\u7401\u624b\u6cd5\u8d85\u7d1a\u8212\u670d\uff0c\u4eba\u5f88\u89aa\u5207\uff0c\u505a\u5b8c\u8eab\u9ad4\u5f88\u653e\u9b06\u5fc3\u60c5\u5f88\u597d\uff0c\u63a8\u85a6\u5927\u5bb6\u4f86\u9019\u6d88\u8cbb\uff5e\u6709\u6548\u53...
5.00 (96 reviews)
覓羽美學 image
Eyelash salon
👍👍 無意間路過,看到招牌查詢一下,原來是嫁接睫毛的地方,剛好近期要出國預約起來😍 謝謝妳細心的溝通,嫁接睫毛過程中都沒有出現不舒適感 分享給妳們👍
5.00 (65 reviews)
威尼斯時尚養生會館 image
Massage therapist
😠 美容師隨意約客人泡溫泉 即便沒發生何事 美容師事後還會打電話騷擾有婦之夫外 還會繼續跟你要錢 威脅你 所以不推 因為這樣的美容師實在不專業到極至 美容師私底下愛怎麼樣隨便妳 但不要有如此不專業的事發生 影響別人家庭 所以無論男性女性 慎選按摩店!
4.10 (47 reviews)
全植薆經典美容館 image
Beauty salon
👍👍 環境乾淨。按摩很舒服,跟一般的指壓不一樣。有通體舒暢的感覺。按摩技術很好👍。很推薦的一家店。服務很好。就是會很想大推的一個概念。
4.50 (34 reviews)
Ren深度按摩工作室|深層按摩|運動按摩 image
Sports massage therapist
👍👍 ["\u4e0a\u73ed\u65cf\u7684\u8001\u6bdb\u75c5\u5c31\u662f\u80a9\u9838\u75e0\u75db\uff0c\u9577\u671f\u7684\u96fb\u8166\u4f5c\u696d\u59ff\u52e2.\u5c0e\u81f4\u80a9\u9838\u4e0d\u662f\u6211\u7684\uff0c\u52a0\u4e0a\u6709\u6642\u6253\u7403\u548c\u4e0a\u5065\u8eab\u623f\uff0c\u8eab\u4e0a\u7d2f\u7a4d\u4e86\u4...
4.90 (33 reviews)
視障者專業按摩站 image
Massage therapist
👍👍 先說重點是阿伯非常厲害!我其實很怕按摩,又怕痛又怕癢,而且之前被按受傷過,對於按摩總是又愛又怕。 這兩天睡覺睡歪,手抬不高,肩都麻麻的,今天來市區路過正好看到阿伯有營業,牙一咬想說試看看。500元15分鐘頭肩頸,按不好就當作做慈善。結果,阿伯是我按過最厲害的肩頸師父! 阿伯的力道非常足,一開始我還有點縮...
5.00 (33 reviews)
京鴻 Jing Hong Foot and Body Massage Spa image
京鴻 Jing Hong Foot and Body Massage Spa
Massage therapist
👍👍 We came across Jing Hong by chance while on a trip to Taiwan. The spa is near the place where we were staying. Prices were very affordable and the place is very clean. The ladies who run the place were very professional. We came here 3 times during our visit and they were absolutely amazing. Definit...
4.40 (31 reviews)
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