Best places: Gynecologists in Nishiiwai County

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Mihara Hospital image
Mihara Hospital
👍👍 I gave birth here in January of this year. I had a miscarriage the year before last, so I was unbearably anxious, but when the director of the hospital took care of me and I was able to confirm my heartbeat for the first time, I was like, 'I'm glad! Congratulations!” After that, don't you feel anxi...
3.80 (173 reviews)
Hihara Clinic image
Hihara Clinic
Medical clinic
👍👍 A few years ago, when I went to the hospital due to irregular menstruation, the director found an ovarian cyst, and Dr. Hanako took great care of me during my prenatal checkup. At first glance, Dr. Hanako's atmosphere and way of examining her gives the impression that she is an easy-going, "smart pe...
4.00 (79 reviews)
Iha Ladies Clinic image
Iha Ladies Clinic
4.30 (44 reviews)
Himejinomori Ladies Clinic image
Himejinomori Ladies Clinic
👍👍 Thank you so much for your kindness and patience today. As a foreigner who has had many terrible experiences, I was very worried. So much so, I barely slept the night before my appointment, but there was nothing to worry about in the end. Good Points -Online Booking -Great hours -Convenient locatio...
4.20 (50 reviews)
Katsuki Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology image
Katsuki Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
😠 The appearance of the hospital is clean, but the teacher's response was the worst. In my case, He was taken by ambulance with severe pain in the abdomen at nine months pregnant. What of treatment without Could also be, "I do not know here is that more is, probably would be all right," teacher of th...
3.90 (98 reviews)
Nishimura Ladies Clinic image
Nishimura Ladies Clinic
Medical clinic
👍👍 生理移動のためのピルを処方してもらいに行きました。 以前使っていたピルの説明が上手くできなかったのですが、高齢の男性の医師には珍しく、非常に丁寧に聞いていただき、また説明していただきました。帰り際にはどちらが患者か分からないくらい丁寧に送り出していただき、驚きの連続です。こんなに腰の低い先生は初めて...
4.30 (41 reviews)
Seijo Kinoshita hospital image
Seijo Kinoshita hospital
😠 HP says that it can be painless 24 hours a day, "We cooperate with obstetricians and gynecologists, anesthesiologists, and midwives to deliver about 600 deliveries a year." However, there are no anesthesiologists. When I asked him if he had an anesthesiologist, he said, "If you're worried about tha...
3.70 (252 reviews)
Hiroko Ladies Clinic image
Hiroko Ladies Clinic
4.00 (70 reviews)
Nitta Clinic image
Nitta Clinic
Medical clinic
👍👍 最初は無痛分娩ができる産院で選んでいましたが、素晴らしい産院に出会えたと思います。 切迫早産のため こちらで2ヶ月ほど入院し、先日 計画無痛分娩で第一子を出産しました。 ナースさんたちは親切に対応してくださり、入院中メンタル的にも とても支えられました。不安なことも相談に乗ってくれたり、アドバイスをくれ...
4.10 (55 reviews)
Ibis Maki Clinic image
Ibis Maki Clinic
👍 12年ぶりの出産で、Instagramで評判良かったのでこちらでお世話になりました。 医療センターの方が近かったのですが、やはりアイビスマキさんは待ち時間がほぼない! 仕事と上の子の都合があるので大助かりです。 看護師さん、助産師さん、みなさんハキハキされててアットホーム! クチコミに書かれてる方もいますが、先生...
3.90 (84 reviews)
Hirashima Obstetrics and Gynecology and Dermatology image
Hirashima Obstetrics and Gynecology and Dermatology
👍 初めての妊娠出産でひらしま産婦人科さんにお世話になりました。結論から言うとこちらの産院を選んで良かったです。まず完全個室なのがありがたく、陣痛時の呻き声や叫び声を気にしなくていい所や、冷暖房・照明を自由に設定できるのも嬉しいです。(24時間換気もされてて特にこのご時世ありがたい。)綺麗なトイレも個室に備...
3.70 (206 reviews)
レディスクリニックすごう image
Medical clinic
👍👍 先生の検診内容の説明やエコーで見た赤ちゃんの説明も分かりやすくて良かったです。 検診した後も郵便で内容も教えてくれるので詳しいことも夫婦で情報共有できました! 看護師さんたちが優しいです。入院中もおっぱいのケアなど赤ちゃんの沐浴なども優しく教えてくれました! 1ヶ月検診も赤ちゃんに皆さん優しく接してく...
4.50 (30 reviews)
Yamashiro Koen Ladies Clinic image
Yamashiro Koen Ladies Clinic
Medical clinic
👍👍 I am pregnant and about to give birth! Kunimi-sensei, Sako-san, and all the staff really helped me. I moved from outside the prefecture and had no familiarity with the area. Pregnancy with no acquaintance I was full of anxiety, but I'm not good at hospitals I was able to pass with peace of mind Tha...
4.00 (64 reviews)
Yamada Clinic image
Yamada Clinic
👍👍 山田先生のお陰様で今元気に過ごせています。大袈裟じゃないよ、山田先生に 出会えてほんとに私はラッキーでした! 中野から転出しなければならなくなったけど 何が一番嫌って山田医院に通えなくなることが とても残念でなりません。 長年かかりつけとさせて頂きましたが 自身の子宮頸がんから娘の検診やワクチンまで 何...
4.20 (43 reviews)
Izuchibyo Hospital image
Izuchibyo Hospital
Maternity hospital
👍👍 It's a long sentence, but I hope it will be a little helpful for those who are wondering whether to pass it 😊 ✼ •• ┈┈┈ For first-time visits ┈┈┈ •• ✼ It seems that there is basically no point in making a reservation call unless you start going 😨 Private It may be difficult for some people (espec...
3.80 (111 reviews)
Furugen Women's Clinic image
Furugen Women's Clinic
Medical clinic
👍👍 I came here for the first time today! As in HP I was told that I couldn't make a reservation for the "first visit", so I will go directly to the hospital Basically, reservations are given priority If you are visiting us for the first time, please allow plenty of time. We recommend that you visit...
4.10 (50 reviews)
Tomarigi Women's Clinic image
Tomarigi Women's Clinic
👍👍 Now that I'm 30 weeks pregnant, I'll be having checkups at the delivery site, and since my first visit in May, I've been under great care for the past 4 months. My phone calls were polite from start to finish, and at every check-up, everyone from the receptionist to the person guiding me around was...
3.90 (77 reviews)
Nishina Ladies Clinic image
Nishina Ladies Clinic
😠 先生は良いですが、受付システムがレトロすぎてついていけません。当日朝当日分順番をネット予約できるシステムにしてもらえたら良いのに。 深沢のまきの皮膚科もとても通いやすくなりました。 全員診るという主義で夜遅くまで診察されてるようですが、医師も過労になると翌日の判断力が鈍ると思います。
3.90 (77 reviews)
Nippori Ladies Clinics image
Nippori Ladies Clinics
3.80 (107 reviews)
Ito Ladies Clinic image
Ito Ladies Clinic
😠 先生が江崎産婦人科に居た頃出産、先生が愛想無しなのでスタッフも全部愛想無しどころか入院患者の皆が看護師からことごとく怒られる、私は帝王切開だったので授乳は赤ちゃんを病室に連れてきてポンと置いて行く、片方が終わって寝たまま片方に移して授乳し終わった事をブザーで連絡、連れに来た看護師は壁際側に抱いてるの...
4.30 (36 reviews)
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