Top rated Lunch restaurants in Kawanuma County

Experience the best that Kawanuma County has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Shigetaro image
Western restaurant
👍👍 【ファミリー、友人、ちょっと贅沢】 4度目。お世話になっています。 ハンバーグ180gにエビフライトッピング。無敵洋食の組み合わせ。 ハンバーグは見ごたえありのボリウム。ややつなぎが多いか、柔め。 三度目。 煮込みハンバーグでは無い、とは感じました。煮込みには歯ごたえを期待します。個人的好みですが。 二度目...
3.90 (333 reviews)
Pepper Lunch image
Pepper Lunch
Steak house
🫤 Not worth the hype. It is a very basic restaurant with around 5 choices. Dishes are overwhelming. Powered by pepper flavor Hint pepper bench name but it definitely took away from the experience. Not likely to come back again. Additionally, An American ordered before me and he had not gotten his foo...
$$ $$
3.90 (284 reviews)
himeji marujosuisan image
himeji marujosuisan
Izakaya restaurant
👍 姫路ランチでお邪魔しました 海鮮居酒屋ですが、ランチメニューも3種類あります サーモンどん1,518円をオーダー てんこ盛りサーモンに卵黄が乗っかってます ユッケのような甘めのタレをかけていただきまーす ただ、この器のサイズが味噌汁のお椀なんですよね笑 でも、シャリのおかわり無料ですので、問題なしかなー(*´艸...
3.90 (238 reviews)
Pepper Lunch Hiroro Store image
Pepper Lunch Hiroro Store
Steak house
😐 Well, it's a pepper lunch, so it's not that it's different from the others, but it seems that the dining floor has a negative aura. I wonder if the atmosphere is a little more difficult.
3.90 (205 reviews)
Watahan image
Shabu-shabu restaurant
👍👍 Mr. Watahan is located in the basement of the building where kiki-kobe is located. I visited with the staff ♪ The meat was very tender, flavorful and delicious ⭐︎ Eating it with grated yam brought out the flavor of the meat and went well with it, making it very delicious (^^) The owner is very nice...
$$$ $
3.90 (136 reviews)
創作お好み焼 富岳 (旧冨紗家西宮) image
創作お好み焼 富岳 (旧冨紗家西宮)
Okonomiyaki restaurant
👍 280℃の鉄板で焼いてるハンバーグ?!めっちゃ気になるわ〜。って事で! 今回はハンバーグランチを食べに行かせてもらいました。 が、 な、な、なんと 運悪く、この日はなかった… 聞くとハンバーグランチは5食限定だそうです。 どうしても食べてみたいのでリベンジ決定〜!笑笑 ハンバーグは前日までに連絡しておけば可能な...
$$ $$
3.90 (123 reviews)
Kappou Roko image
Kappou Roko
Kyoto style Japanese restaurant
🫤 This is a place where you can enjoy lunch on the riverbed. For lunch, you can choose from a ¥2,500 plan or a ¥6,000 plan, but I think it's better to order a drink for around ¥600 or more, as it creates a better atmosphere. We also recommend that you make a reservation in advance, as there are not ma...
3.90 (120 reviews)
Lobby Bar image
Lobby Bar
😐 As a High Tea lover in Tokyo, I must say I'm disappointed. I took my wonderful mentor to have afternoon tea on her birthday and for the price I was expecting high quality and amazing service. The whole place was busy and the music was too loud. Then they wouldn’t give us a a separate seat with a vie...
3.90 (102 reviews)
Setouchi Winery ~ Restaurant Mio image
Setouchi Winery ~ Restaurant Mio
👍👍 SETOUCHIを五感で楽しめる究極の癒しスポット❗️ 天気の良い日にmioのテラス席で潮風に包まれ、潮音を心地良いBGMに美味しい料理を食す! まさにコレが贅沢な休日の過ごし方‼️ 料理は地元の素材をメインに、野菜をふんだんに使った八寸から始まり・温菜・メインそして意外な麺料理とバラエティーに富んだ内容となってい...
3.90 (47 reviews)
Pepper Lunch image
Pepper Lunch
Steak house
🫤 お母さんと一緒に注文しお会計も一緒にしたのですが、男の店員が1つの商品に対して2人で食べると勝手に勘違いをし、お会計の時に確認もせずお会計をしていた。 そして出来上がって取りに行ったら2人してえ?ってなり謝罪の一言もなく気分が悪い。 ちゃんと教育するべき。
$$ $$
3.90 (38 reviews)
Sandaya Steak House - Kobe Sanda Premium Outlets image
Sandaya Steak House - Kobe Sanda Premium Outlets
Steak house
$$$ $
3.80 (1.9K reviews)
Beijing Roasted Duck Store (Pekin Khaoyaten) Chinatown Store image
Beijing Roasted Duck Store (Pekin Khaoyaten) Chinatown Store
Chinese restaurant
Chinese dishes like Peking duck & mapo tofu, plus an all-you-can-eat menu, in a traditional space.
$ $$$
3.80 (1.2K reviews)
Pepper Lunch image
Pepper Lunch
Steak house
👍👍 What an experience. You get sizzling hot meat served on an iron plate with rice. It’s tasty and cool. Prices are fair and the service is good. You get the food fast and it takes some minutes of turning and cooling before you can eat. Highly recommended when in Akihabara and you need a rest from all...
$$ $$
3.80 (604 reviews)
Soba-Shubō Tokubei image
Soba-Shubō Tokubei
Kyoto style Japanese restaurant
Easygoing restaurant with a warm ambiance offering soba noodles & other locally sourced dishes.
$ $$$
3.80 (501 reviews)
Pepper Lunch image
Pepper Lunch
Steak house
$$ $$
3.80 (334 reviews)
Italian restaurant
👍 Happy hour drinks were good value, service very attentive and nice surroundings. Great to find a bar that was actually open during the day! We had sandwiches which were not perhaps as good as we'd hoped, but really, who goes for sandwiches in Japan anyway?
$$ $$
3.80 (330 reviews)
Pepper Lunch Nishi Shinjuku image
Pepper Lunch Nishi Shinjuku
Steak house
👍👍 中学生の子供達が二人でランチに利用していたところ、一人が熱中症になり店内で気分が悪くなってしまいました。お店の男性スタッフが親切にしてくださりました。子供からの連絡ですぐにかけつけたものの、30分程度かかった間にも優しくして頂いたと子供達から聞きました。すぐに動ける状態ではなかったのを見かねて「今の...
$$ $$
3.80 (291 reviews)
Chicken cuisine Miyama Honpo Kokubu shop image
Chicken cuisine Miyama Honpo Kokubu shop
Izakaya restaurant
🫤 土曜日のお昼に訪問。 桜島溶岩焼ランチ2人前と単品で唐揚げ(3個)を2皿頼んだんだけど、品切れなのか、1皿しか提供出来ないとのこと。 平日のピーク時を過ぎてのことなら仕方ないが、土曜日のお昼に品切れになるような準備はちょっと・・・ 味がいいだけに残念です。 あと、ご飯の量は大盛りにするとボリュームあるの...
$$ $$
3.80 (232 reviews)
Kent House image
Kent House
👍👍 草津駅(滋賀県)直ぐに有ります。お得な珈琲チケットが有ります。4,000円で11枚。珈琲以外にも使えます。モーニングの種類も多く、飽きません。ドリンクも美味しい。
$ $$$
3.80 (166 reviews)
Pepper Lunch image
Pepper Lunch
Steak house
👍👍 If you want to get protein in a crispy volume around Utsunomiya station, click here. Although I walk a little from the station, I can eat steak cheaply in a large amount, so it is useful as a meal before and after training. You can do aerobic exercise on a 30-minute walk back and forth, so fat is a...
$$ $$
3.80 (119 reviews)
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