Best places: Western restaurants in Iwate County

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essence Terrace Dining BAR image
essence Terrace Dining BAR
Italian restaurant
👍 11時に予約が必要な仕事用の手土産を近隣に買いに行ったついでに、どこかお昼食べて帰ろうと思い、「平日11時*営業中」のレストランで検索。2階のイタリアンは伺ったことあるけど、こちらは以前混雑時に入店した際に少し嫌な思いをして退出したことがあったので未訪問。「あの時はテンパってたんだな」と思い直し、伺って...
$$ $$
4.50 (215 reviews)
SPHINX image
Egyptian restaurant
😐 The food here was good, and we enjoyed the lunch buffet. However, we were disappointed with their policy and service. When we called to change our reservation from 7 to 5 people, we weren't informed about the cancellation fee, which they wanted to charge at full price. They seated us at a 4-person...
4.50 (211 reviews)
Grill Demi image
Grill Demi
Western restaurant
Grilled beef tongue & bun-free patties with gravy at a casual Japanese take on a burger joint.
$ $$$
4.30 (688 reviews)
インドナンカレーSHIVA SHAKTI image
Indian restaurant
👍👍 It is an Indian curry shop. You can choose from 6 levels of spiciness (normal rank was not spicy). It was my first time so I chose regular chicken curry. First of all, naan is delicious. It was a pretty big naan, but there was a surplus of curry. Nan was free to replace me because I was asking for...
4.60 (156 reviews)
KeMBY's Brew Pub image
KeMBY's Brew Pub
Hamburger restaurant
👍👍 First, I am trying to try native Japanese cuisine, broaden my horizons, etc. However when you try their pizza or BBQ you will agree, when you are in the presence of perfection, you might as well indulge. I am coming back here every night while I am here. Hands down the best deep dish pizza I have...
$$ $$
4.30 (653 reviews)
Restaurant Kamiya image
Restaurant Kamiya
Japanized western restaurant
Long-standing place serving Western dishes like pilafs & gratins in a sophisticated dining room.
$$$ $
4.30 (635 reviews)
Wattle Tokyo image
Wattle Tokyo
Australian restaurant
Classy restaurant, popular for business crowds, offering upscale Australian dishes & drinks.
$$ $$
4.40 (304 reviews)
Restaurant Kamahei image
Restaurant Kamahei
Western restaurant
Western-style plates like hamburger steak & omurice in a homey setting with counter & table seats.
$ $$$
4.30 (583 reviews)
Eagle Suntory Lounge image
Eagle Suntory Lounge
Bar & grill
👍👍 Ready to pretend you're Don Draper after pitching an ad campaign in Tokyo? Come on down to Eagle Suntory Lounge. It's old school and quite a surprise considering the neon lights bathing you prior to descending the stairs. Foreigner tip: I did the American thing and walked up to the bar and plopped...
$$ $$
4.30 (578 reviews)
olmo coppia image
olmo coppia
Organic restaurant
👍👍 店内はオーナーのご実家の蔵をリノベしてあるとの事でした。 とても落ち着いた感じでゆっくりと食事が出来ました(^^) lunchの時間帯はとても多く…来店後に予約をし、空席が出た際にお電話を頂けました。 lunchは3種類の中から選んでプラス200円でセットドリンクもつけられますよ。lunchにはスープとケーキが付いています~...
$$ $$
4.60 (147 reviews)
Yamamoto no Hamburg Jiyūgaoka image
Yamamoto no Hamburg Jiyūgaoka
Western restaurant
🫤 Basically annoying staff. Slightly dirty. Expensive. Not that delicious. I left a bag on the floor. The staff member complained then asked my to move it literally 5cm. That was totally unnecessary and super annoying. The restaurant was not as clean as I expect. There was a film on the table and th...
$ $$$
4.30 (559 reviews)
ハンバーグ・ステーキ&J image
Steak house
😠 オーナーからの返信があったので2023.6.20追記 まず勝手に遠方からと決め付けていらっしゃいますが同一市内からの訪問なので、はぁ?って感じです。 筋切りしているのは見て知っています。 トリミングされていないと私は書いてますけど。 読解力が著しいですね。 オペレーションがグダグダじゃないのに、どうしてお母様と思...
$$ $$
4.50 (194 reviews)
Covian image
Western restaurant
$ $$$
4.30 (542 reviews)
Salvia Coffee image
Salvia Coffee
👍👍 A pure cafe you want to go to. Good coffee and desserts. Other menus are also attractive (note that it takes too long to decide w) I want to eat various things, so I have to go... The interior has the warmth of wood and a relaxing atmosphere The parking lot in front of the store is about 3 and nar...
$$ $$
4.40 (283 reviews)
Outdoor Chill Dining WARMTH image
Outdoor Chill Dining WARMTH
Italian restaurant
👍 柏最強タコライスが食べたくてランチで利用。ゆったり出来る店内で雰囲気良いです。サラダバーもセットでお得感あり。スパイシーな味付けで美味しいです。強いて言えば味が濃いのでサラダ地とライスとのバランスがもう少し良ければ。
4.40 (277 reviews)
Agape image
Western restaurant
😐 2024年7月 ●街中の洋食屋、メニュー豊富でデザートもあるので学生のお客さんも多いです ●昭和の雑貨が棚に並べられおり、店内の雰囲気は良い感じ ●天然エビのフライを食べようと思って行きましたが入荷なし、ビフテキセット(2,970円)を注文しました。国産牛160gらしいですが顎が疲れるぐらい固くて筋も切れておらず、焼き...
$$ $$
4.30 (511 reviews)
Tajima image
Japanized western restaurant
$ $$$
4.30 (508 reviews)
Marmite image
Western restaurant
👍👍 二度目ですが、どちらもミニマルミット鍋を頼みました。野菜もたっぷり食べられてヘルシーだし、5種類の薬味もどれも美味しかったです。トマトソースが一番お気に入りなので、テイクアウトしようかなと思います。 締めに前回はリゾット、今回はスープパスタにしました。 デザートのチョコレートケーキもとても美味しかった...
4.60 (142 reviews)
Aisani image
Western restaurant
👍👍 Beautiful atmosphere, friendly staff, choice of comfy riverside table or nice bar seat. Dinner was many small dishes, great range of ingredients. I recommend Bbq pork, tempura kakiage (this was a seasonal dish with mushrooms and chestnut).
$ $$$
4.60 (142 reviews)
味市場 大和田 image
味市場 大和田
Chinese, Japanese & French dishes share the menu in this spacious restaurant with a terrace.
$$ $$
4.30 (507 reviews)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps


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