Best places: Casual japanese style restaurants in Yamagata

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山口餅屋(やまぐちもちや) image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 Google map says it's temporarily closed, but it was open when I visited during Golden Week! I love mochi, so I ordered two-color mochi (walnut and soybean flour) as an after-meal snack! Walnuts are labeled as one of our specialty items, and they are delicious! I was a little worried about the coars...
4.50 (268 reviews)
Fumotoya image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
😠 店主の高圧的な態度が不快でした。 ソフトクリームを買った程度では客とは認めないそうです。
$$ $$
4.30 (557 reviews)
Momiichi image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 It is a stylish dining room for the common people. The inside has a stylish restaurant-like open kitchen layout. For lunch, there are Momiichi set meals, fried chicken set meals, roast beef bowls, etc. You can choose 2 main dishes out of 5 for the Momiichi set meal, and you can customize your own....
$$ $$
4.30 (321 reviews)
Endo image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 Delicious food and great service 😋
4.30 (163 reviews)
ランチ&ディナー 三幸 image
ランチ&ディナー 三幸
Japanized western restaurant
👍👍 A long-established Western-style restaurant near the railroad crossing in Yamagata City. At noon, it was full of office workers ♪ Order a weekly lunch steak set meal! Drinks are included in the weekly lunch. Very tender meat and delicious sauce! I feel like I'm eating steak. Lol Rice with soup, s...
$$ $$
4.10 (390 reviews)
食事処 あたご食堂 image
食事処 あたご食堂
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍 床は油でペトペトしてたりはするけど、まぁしょうがないかなーくらいです。 歴史?と思えば、、、。 味は美味しいし、量も多いし また行きたいです!!! からあげ定食食べる方で普段普通の量を食べる方はミニにした方がいいです。
$ $$$
4.10 (385 reviews)
そば処 山形一寸亭 image
そば処 山形一寸亭
Soba noodle shop
Thin buckwheat soba noodles in broth with duck meat, plus tempura, at a simple, enduring venue.
$$ $$
4.00 (1K reviews)
食事処 味むら image
食事処 味むら
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 While many ramen shops these days are expensive and have no contents, this shop was astonishing (* _ *) The photo shows miso ramen for 600 yen (800 yen level for ordinary shops). The amount of noodles is large and even larger meat is generously included. Besides, about 9 small plates are included....
$ $$$
4.30 (102 reviews)
Maidoya Shokudo image
Maidoya Shokudo
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
🫤 芋煮•手打ちそばセット。接客は丁寧だし千円以上の食事には駐車料金300円が無料になる特典もあります。その食事ですが、乾麺を使ってて「手打ち蕎麦」の看板?ちょっとこれは。芋煮汁はしょっぱ過ぎて甘過ぎて。観光地だから仕方ないのかなぁ、残念。値段も1400円はちょっと高いです。これが山形の本場の蕎麦、これが名物芋...
$$ $$
4.20 (122 reviews)
Tomitaya image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍 老舗巡り第697弾 1964年創業の老舗定食屋さん ジンギスカン1400円と肉そば700円を注文。 蔵王で食べたジンギスカンの中では一番美味しい! お肉も柔らかく美味しい。肉そばも鶏肉が入っていい感じ。 次々お客さんが来てすぐに満席になり閉店してしまったぐらい人気店。 現金のみ 駐車場なし
$$ $$
4.10 (164 reviews)
Yuzu image
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍 A cozy pub, Lunch is also recommended ○
$$ $$
4.40 (70 reviews)
酒房 蕎麦 きらく image
酒房 蕎麦 きらく
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍 I visited before noon.It's my first time to visit because I've been curious about word-of-mouth reviews.The interior is an izakaya-style restaurant.I took off my shoes before entering.Even at night, there were many exciting menus written out.I ordered miso ramen. My companion ordered the tempura bo...
$$ $$
4.10 (140 reviews)
Gohanya Yamagatamura Honten image
Gohanya Yamagatamura Honten
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 A restaurant near Aeon Town Shinshu Yamagata. It seems that there are many deep-rooted fans in Matsumoto City, and it has become a rumor, and I really wanted to visit this shop. I had the rumored steak bowl. Appetite is aroused by the vivid colors and the color scheme that highlights the freshnes...
$$ $$
4.00 (202 reviews)
町の定食屋さん ドーマ image
町の定食屋さん ドーマ
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍 メニューが豊富で、マジ悩みました。 丼、カレー、定食どれも写真がついてて分かりやすくて、素晴らしいと思います。 なかでも、ドーマダイナマイトカレーは辛さ10倍と表記されてます。 しかし、壁を見るとなんと、攻略者達の名前がズラリと並び次の方を招いています。 強者は、なんと100回以上ダイナマイトカレーを制覇...
$$ $$
4.10 (100 reviews)
Matsuya Yamagata Station image
Matsuya Yamagata Station
Gyudon restaurant
😠 I meet a female clerk named "Suzuki" who wears glasses quite often, regardless of morning, evening, weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays, but the customer service attitude is the worst every time. There was no welcome greeting every time, and the face was stuffy from beginning to end. Never confirm the...
$ $$$
3.60 (377 reviews)
Densetsu No Sutadon'ya image
Densetsu No Sutadon'ya
Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
👍👍 大好きな丼もののチェーンです! 出張で山形に来た時は必ず1回は寄るお店です。 ニンニクが効いた醤油タレが米に染み込んで美味いんです😋
$$ $$
3.60 (359 reviews)
与右ェ門亭 image
Japanese restaurant
😐 昔からある地元密着型の食堂で、メニューが豊富な事もあり、中々の賑わいです。 初めての訪問なので、定番の中華そば大盛りをオーダー❗️スープがとても美味しかったです。
$$ $$
3.60 (187 reviews)
Yoshinoya image
Gyudon restaurant
👍👍 メニューが豊富で良いですね(^^) 21時過ぎでも、瑞々しい蕎麦が食べられるこちらの店は個人的に貴重な存在なのです!蕎麦湯は薄めですが魔法瓶に入れて提供されるので熱々で良いですね 一年くらい前にかけそばと牛皿と生卵頼んで「牛玉そば」とか作って食べてたので、最近「肉だくそば」ってメニューが出来てやっぱりニー...
$ $$$
3.50 (532 reviews)
Matsuya Yamagata Fukamachi image
Matsuya Yamagata Fukamachi
Gyudon restaurant
😐 早い安い旨い松のやのとんかつ、 松屋内に併設されてます、
$ $$$
3.50 (523 reviews)
Sukiya image
Gyudon restaurant
😠 深夜帯に居る女性店員(40歳-50歳くらい)。毎回愛想悪いし、テーブルに注文した商品、ドンッと音をたてて置くし、声も低いし適当だし、接客業向いてないよ!お客さん、だいぶ減ったよね?
$ $$$
3.40 (423 reviews)
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