Tokushima University Hospital
University hospital
😠 I visited a psychiatry nervous department.
I saw a teacher named N who was around 30 years old.
How about asking the story is that it seems like Uza and the attitude that made a little foolish and sometimes a half laughing correspondence as a person? I think.
With knowledge only
Everyone is a psych...
2.70 (155 reviews)
Tokushima City Hospital
General hospital
😠 When my wife continued to have high fever and was seen by the attending physician, she consulted for an introduction because there was a shadow on the lungs. However, the attending physician diagnosed it as high fever due to pneumonia due to the shadow of the lung, and antibiotic administration was...
2.70 (132 reviews)
Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital
General hospital
😠 I got a norovirus with my son
Thank you for your help in an emergency.
In the morning, I took an ambulance to the central hospital
He gave me an intravenous drip, but ...
I was struck by the corner and drip with my son. ..
Because it was cold because there was only one towelette
If you tell me, bec...
2.80 (109 reviews)
Taoka Hospital
General hospital
😠 I do not recommend 80 at Spine Endoscopy Center at all.
I had a hernia before, and was introduced to 80 at our hospital.
When I heard that there were patients visiting from outside the prefecture, I went and found that the doctor was really the worst.
Even though I was in pain from a hernia, when...
2.70 (104 reviews)
Nijinohashi Hospital
General hospital
😠 受付で、リハビリ、外科とお願いしてたんですが、リハビリ終わってから全然呼ばれなく、(いつもは5分もせんうちに呼んでくれるのに。)後から来る人が入っていって、まだですか?って聞いたら少しお待ちくださいと言われ、結果、聞こえた話ですが、受付してくれた人自分の失敗を認めず、私はリハビリしか聞いてないって聞こ...
2.60 (70 reviews)
Okinosu Hospital
General hospital
😠 先日こちらで健診をしていただきました。全ての検査が終わった後に内科の先生のお話を聞きますか?と言っていただいたのですが、その日に身内に不幸があり少しでも早く帰らないといけなかったので別日に聞きに来てもいいですか?と質問すると大丈夫ですよとのことでしたので前もって別日に予約の電話をすると健診センターで...
2.70 (69 reviews)
Tamaki Aozora Hospital
General hospital
🫤 PCR検査の支払いに行った。3回目のコロナワクチン接種で、すごくごった返していて、受付に行列が出来ていた。自分を対応したメガネの受付がタメ口で「聞こえんけんもう一回!」とかキレ気味で聞き返してきたり態度が悪過ぎてかなり気分を害した!が、別の背の高いすらっとした美人の受付の人は、明るく親切でハキハキと丁寧...
2.90 (57 reviews)
Tokushima Kensei Hospital
General hospital
👍👍 肺のCT検査をしてもらった.異常はなかったが,結果を丁寧に説明してくれた.他のコメントを見ると受付とか看護師の態度がどうのこうのいうのが多いが,病院に求めるものじゃないだろう.自分は特に不快なことはなかったしむしろ感じ良かった.不快を感じた人は逆に自分の態度が相手に不快感を与えていないか振り返ってみる...
2.80 (54 reviews)